Cross-linked Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene (PS/DVB) particles represent a class of versatile polymeric materials with a broad spectrum of applications in scientific research and development. These particles are synthesized through the copolymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene (DVB), resulting in a three-dimensional network structure characterized by exceptional mechanical rigidity, chemical stability, and tunable porosity. These unique properties make them ideal for diverse applications, including chromatographic separations, solid-phase synthesis, catalysis, and drug delivery.
Figure. SEM images of Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene (PS/DVB) with different pore size
At Echo Bio, we understand that one size doesn't fit all in. That's why we offer unparalleled customization options for PS/DVB cross-linked beads, allowing you to design the perfect beads for your unique research challenges.
Our Customization Options
1. Porosity Perfection: from non-porous to various porous size.
- Non-porous PS/DVB: Ideal for separating smaller molecules and achieving high-resolution separations.
- Mesoporous PS/DVB: Available with a range of pore sizes from 100Å to 4000Å, allowing you to optimize separations based on the size and shape of your target molecules.
2. Cross-linking Control: from low cross-linked level to high cross-linked level beads.
- Low Cross-linking (2-10%): Provides greater flexibility and higher loading capacity, suitable for larger biomolecules and milder separation conditions.
- High Cross-linking (80%): Offers exceptional rigidity and mechanical strength for high-pressure applications and challenging separations.
3. Surface Functionality Finesse: a wide range of surface modification
- Hydrophilic: Ideal for aqueous applications and separations of polar compounds.
- Hydrophobic: Suited for reversed-phase chromatography and separations of non-polar molecules.
- Ion Exchange: Cationic or anionic functional groups for charge-based separations.
- Affinity: Immobilize specific ligands for highly selective capture and purification of target molecules
4. Wide Size Spectrum: from few um to 1000 um.
5. Wide range of fluorescent labeling available
Don't settle for generic. Partner with Echo Bio to design and synthesize the perfect PS/DVB material for your chromatographic success.
Contact us today for a free consultation with our experts and discover how we can elevate your separations: